

ASR's AGM 2012

The ASR's annual general meeting (AGM) will be held in Melbourne on 26 July 2012.

The event will commence at 18:30, running until approx. 21:30.


Shark Fin Inn
(03) 9662 2681 / 9662 2552
50 Little Bourke Street, Melbourne
(Melways Ref: Map 1B, U4)

The 'original' Shark Fin Restaurant was established in 1980 at the top end of the little Bourke Street, close to Parliament Station.  A Cantonese banquet will be served. Vegetarian selections will be available on request.

Cost to members will be
•   $40 per head for full members or accompanying partners
•   $35 per head for full-time student members and partners.    
inclusive of drinks.

See attachment below for further details.

As part of the AGM, council is seeking nominations (refer below).

1. Nominations for council membership are open for all the positions expect Past President. This year we will limit council membership to 12 (new amended constitution, approved last year). These positions (12) will include President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Past President and seven other council members. I am seeking either new nominations or expressions of interest from existing council members.

Please refer below procedure for nominations.

"5(b) The Council of The Society shall be elected every year at The Annual General Meeting from amongst members of The Society to serve from that Annual General Meeting to the next. Candidates shall be proposed and seconded by members of The Society before The Annual General Meeting.Provide a summary of nomination procedure (cut and paste from constitution suffices)"
— from ASR constitution

Nominations must be seconded by one other person (communicate with the current Secretary, Rahul Gupta).

Members who have served on council for 4 years and have not held an office bearer position are, via constitution, not eligible for re-election for 5th consecutive year.

Council members are finally elected at AGM.

Deadline for receiving nominations:  Monday, 23 July 2012.


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