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2018 Annual General Meeting

The 2018 AGM of the Australian Society of Rheology will be held on the evening of Wednesday, 25 July 2018 at Thai City Restaurant in Melbourne. We offer a great price for a full night of food, drink, and conversation. Partners and guests are very welcome.


Please RSVP to Mr. Vishak Perumal (s3549817@student.rmit.edu.au) by Wednesday, 18 July 2018 to reserve your places. Please advise any special dietary requirements.


Program Details:

Date: Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Time: 18:30 onwards

Venue:  Thai City Restaurant

124 Lygon Street

Carlton, Victoria 3053 (Phone 03 9663 2028)


Cost: $32.50 per head for full members and accompanying partners

$25 per head for student members and accompanying partners


Interstate members will have the option to join the formal part of the AGM meeting via the following web-link: 


Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:

Please click this URL to start or join. https://monash.zoom.us/j/930296995

Or, go to https://monash.zoom.us/join and enter meeting ID: 930 296 995


Join from a dial-in phone:

Dial: +61 3 99059666 (+61 3 9905 ZOOM) or +61 2 8015 2088 Toll-free dial: +1 877 853 5257 (US/Canada only)

Meeting ID: 930 296 995

International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/byVkBpU2m


For further information please see the attached AGM Flyer


Council Election

The AGM will include election of Council members (new or continuing). All members of the ASR are eligible to stand for Council. If you are not yet a member, it is easy to become one!

We urge interested members to nominate either themself or another member to serve the Society, by emailing the Secretary Dr Prabhakar Ranganathan (prabhakar.ranganathan@monash.edu) by Close Of Business Wednesday, 18 July 2018. All roles are open to receive nominations. Nominations must be accepted by the nominee, and must be supported by a second member. Full details are in the Rules (§§49–56).

Current Council members will be pleased to answer any questions that interested members may have about serving on Council.


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