12th Australia Korea Rheology Conference - 2023
December, 4th - 7th
The University of Melbourne
University College, 40 College Crescent, Parkville - Victoria, 3052
Welcome from the Organizing Committee
As the ASR celebrates its 40th Anniversary, we are pleased to invite you to the 12th Australia-Korea Rheology Conference in Melbourne, Australia in December 2023!
This is a great opportunity for researchers and practitioners of rheology from Korea, Australia, and elsewhere to meet and share their ideas and findings.
Brief schedule
A short course on the Basics of Rheology with lectures in the morning and hands-on training in the afternoon: Monday, 4th Dec.
Technical sessions with plenary & keynote talks: Tuesday - Thursday, 5th - 7th Dec.
Poster session: Tuesday, 5th Dec.
Conference Dinner celebrating the ASR's 40th Anniversary, the winners of the ASR Medallion, and Prof. Roger Tanner's 90th birthday: Wednesday, 6th Dec.
Sightseeing Tour to Sovereign Hill, Ballarat: Friday, 8th Dec.
Session themes
SPECIAL SESSION on Non-Brownian Suspensions in honour of Prof. Roger Tanner
SPECIAL SESSION on Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics in honour of Profs. Peter Daivis and Billy Todd
Polymers Melts and Solutions
Colloids, Emulsions, Foams and Gels
Biorheology and Biomaterials
Computational and Data-driven Rheology
Rheology in Industry
Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics
Rheology (other)
Abstract submission
Seminar talks will be for 15 minutes, followed by 5 minutes for questions. Posters will be of A0 size and can be in portrait or landscape format.
Please email abstracts for either talks or posters to ASRThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please clearly mention in the email whether the abstract is for a talk or a poster.
The abstract template is available here.
Important Dates
Abstract submission: 8th, August
Notification of abstract acceptance: 1st, September
Early bird registrations end: 1st, November
Details of Conference registration fees will be available soon. Here is the conference flyer.
Organizing Committee
A/Prof Anthony Stickland (Chair)
A/Prof Daniel Lester (Co-chair)
Dr Zakiya Shireen
Dr Nilanka Ekanayake
Sajid Hassan
Yuxuan Luo
Yunzhou Qian
Daniel Dodoo