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2021 Annual General Meeting (Online) - 5 August 2021


The 2021 Annual General Meeting of the Australian Society of Rheology will be held online. All are welcome to attend.

Date: Thursday, 5 August 2021

Time: 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM (Melbourne, Australia)

Event Registration Link: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/asr-agm-2021-5-august-2021-registration-163329217085

Zoom webinar details will be provided upon registration


Programme Overview
1. Brief reports from Council on the year ending, including financial standing.
2. Election of new Council — any nomination to serve on the Council is welcome**.
3. Presentation by Dr Mark Coghill titled "Rheology in the resource industry" (Abstract and speaker biography provided below)


Call for Nominations to serve on ASR Council

Everyone interested to serve on the ASR Council should please email your nominations to the Secretary, Dr Heather Shewan(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by 5pm, 30th July 2021. Nominations must be accepted by the nominee, and supported by two members (which can include the nominee).


AGM Presentation by Dr Mark Coghill:

Presentation Title: Rheology in the resource industry

Abstract: The resource industry is dependent on understanding and controlling the rheological behaviour of the material it processes. During the presentation, Dr Coghill will provide an introduction to the Rio Tinto Bundoora Technical Development Centre and how rheology is used to develop and control mineral processing flowsheets, address operational issues and ensure safety.

Speaker Biography: Dr Mark Coghill (Principal Advisor, Rio Tinto) is a process metallurgist with over thirty years of experience. He specializes in solid-liquid mineral processing separation, dewatering, transport and management of tailings, water management and recovery.

Read more about his experiences here

AGM Flyer


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