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4 June 2018: ASR Seminar in Melbourne

As part of the 2018 Rheology Lecture Series, the next ASR Seminar will be held at Monash University, Clayton on 4th June 2018


Speaker: Dr. Laurence Brassart

Presentation Title: Modelling diffusion coupled to large deformations in soft materials.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Monash University


Speaker: Dr. Jeremy Barr

Presentation Title: Bacteriophage subdiffusion through mucous 

School of Biological Sciences, Monash University


Date:   Monday, 4th June 2018


Time:   5:30 PM to 7:00 PM

           (Refreshments at 5:00 PM)


Venue: #407, Level 4, New Horizons Building

           20 Research Way 

           Monash University, Clayton Campus


Register for this free event at: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/australian-society-of-rheology-seminar-series-tickets-46315212046


PDF: Announcement & abstracts


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