Australian Rheology Society Medallion
The ASR is seeking nominations for the ASR Medallion, the society’s highest honour.
Previous recipients were Roger Tanner, David Boger, Nhan Phan-Thien, Sati N. Bhattacharya and Tamarapu Sridhar.
Could you please email your nomination to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than the 15th of November 2015.
Medallion Recipient Criteria:
As per the ASR constitution the medallion recipient selection criteria are:
- Must be a permanent resident in Australia (although discretion may be exercised over matters of temporary secondment and sabbatical leave overseas).
- Must be a financial member of The Australian Society of Rheology.
- Must be internationally recognised as having made an outstanding and meritorious contribution to the science and technology of Rheology. Whilst service to The Society may be taken into account, it will not be the major factor that remains that of scientific achievement. Selection Process
The ASR Medallion sub-committee will:
- Review the emailed nominations.
- Contact the nominators to request a written testimonial (including a resume) justifying the nominee.
- Recommend to the ASR council whether or not a medallion will be awarded in 2016. If the ASR council approves a nominee then the sub-committee will contact the person and organise an award ceremony at the 2016 Annual General Meeting.