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10th Hellenic Society of Rheology Conference,

June 29th – July2nd  2022


The Hellenic Society of Rheology (HSR) was established in 1996 by Greek rheologists residing in Greece, Cyprus and abroad. It is affiliated with the European Society of Rheology (ESR) and dedicated to the promotion of scientific activities and advancement in the fields of rheology and fluid mechanics. 

The 10th Hellenic Society of Rheology (HSR) will be held in the island of Skiathos in 2022 between June 29th and July the 2ndIn response to the HSR members sentiment it is planned as an in-person conference with full vaccination requirements for the participants, to the extent deemed necessary by the authorities at the time of the conference. It will be jointly organized by the University of Thessaly and the University of Cyprus, and the venue of the meeting will be the Skiathos Palace Hotel

The Organizing Committee  of HSR2022 is pleased to announce that selected papers from the Conference Program, along with selected papers from the scientific community, will be published in two Special Volumes of the Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics dedicated to Profs Pino Marrucci and Evan Mitsoulis, respectively, (they are both plenary speakers of HSR2022) in honor of their contributions to the advancement of the fields of Rheology and Non Newtonian Fluid Mechanics.

In this context we decided to extend the abstract submission process until the 17th of April.

Due to limited room availability, we should also stress for those planning to make reservations with Skiathos Palace Hotel, which will be the conference venue, to do so by May 2nd  and use the conference booking code HSR2022 in the hotel reservation site. For more information visit the conference site