

Prof. Raja R. Huilgol awarded ASR Medallion


The ASR Council has unanimously endorsed the recommendation of the ASR Medallion sub-committee to award the Australian Society of Rheology Medallion to Prof. Raja R. Huilgol in recognition of his outstanding and meritorious contributions to the science and technology of rheology.


Prof Huilgol’s achievements include the authorship of three highly commended books on the continuum mechanics of viscoelastic and viscoplastic materials and a significant body of journal articles on a broad range of subjects related to rheology, including major contributions to the understanding of the kinematics of viscoelastic flows. He has also made significant contributions to the understanding of flows occurring in injection molding processes with benefits to Australian industry through his collaboration with Moldflow, and the reduction of grain losses due to pulverisation in silos leading to the award of the highest honour of the Mexican Society of Rheology in 2001.


Prof Huilgol’s nomination was supported in testimonials by world-leading rheologists Prof Ken Walters, Prof Roger Tanner, Prof Nhan Phan-Thien, Prof I Frigaard, Prof Tam Sridhar and Prof David Boger, which commended his contributions, from which we quote:


“He is basically a mathematician, but he certainly 'speaks the language' of his experimental colleagues! His research is therefore appreciated by a wide range of scientists.”

“In view of his devotion to Rheology, his intelligence and his continued contribution to the field, I strongly support the award of the ASR Medallion to him.”

“Raj is an original and creative thinker … he has my highest regard in the recommendation of an ASR Medallion.”

“His body of outstanding work has significantly advanced our understanding of theoretical Rheology.”

“Raj is a leading Rheologist in the Australian scene and has a huge international reputation due to his continuing contribution.”

“Raj is an international scholar highly regarded in the Rheological community. This award is a "slam dunk".”


Congratulations to Prof Huilgol.


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