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6th Pacific Rim Conference on Rheology (PRCR-6)

Despite Melbourne's reputation, the weather remained constant and sunny allowing the two-hundred and seven delegates from nineteen countries attending the 6th Pacific Rim Conference on Rheology to enjoy the proceedings and the city.

Five plenary, fourteen keynote and one-hundred and thirty-four oral lectures were presented, and thirty-four posters were exhibited, during the five day conference held in July 2014 at the University of Melbourne Law Building. Ten eminent researchers also presented their viscoelastic research and its implications during a special symposium to honour Professor Tam Sridhar.

By all accounts the conference was a success with many delegates commenting on the great food and coffee, the conference’s location and the excellent organisation overseen by Professor Peter Scales and the conference organising committee.

A summary of the conference is provided in the linked PDF document.

PACRIM 2014 Closing Summary



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